My Activity Pages

Frequently Asked Questions

Is There Any Charge for the Primary Activity Pages newsletter?

No. The newsletter is provided free of charge. In addition, the weekly Primary Activity Pages packet is free of charge.

When Is the Newsletter Published and the Packet Available?

The Primary Activity Pages newsletter is published early every Thursday morning. The packet is made available for download in each newsletter issue.

What Do You Do With My E-Mail Address?

We add it to our list of subscribers, and that is it. We don’t make the list of subscribers available to the public, and we don’t sell our mailing list to anyone else. (Thus, if you receive any spam, it did not originate at our site.)

Who Creates the Newsletter and Packet?

Both the Primary Activity Pages newsletter and packet are created by April Wyatt Reinhardt. They are the outgrowth of decades of working with children in a wide range of Primary positions.

Why Do You Do All This?

For several reasons. I know how frustrating it is to search online for FREE activity pages to supplement Primary lessons. In particular, activities that follow Church doctrine and teach the message of the Lord’s restored Church.

Also, I know how my Primary kids through the years have loved receiving and completing my packets—and I’ve heard from Primary leaders all over the world that their Primary children, children, and grandchildren also enjoy my activity pages. It’s truly a labor of love for Heavenly Father’s children.

Additionally, since my Primary Activity Pages packet follows the Church’s “Come, Follow Me” curriculum, putting the packet together gives me an added layer of personal scripture study.

Finally, I love working with documents! My day job has me creating Wiki articles and writing technical manuals for end users. It’s satisfying to put together material that others find useful!

Can I Pass the Primary Activity Pages Newsletters on To Others?

Yes, you can—to a point. We want people to hear about the newsletter and to use what we provide. The newsletter may be circulated via MANUAL forwarding by e-mail to others, providing that 1) the newsletter is transmitted in its entirety, and 2) NO FEE is charged. We would ask that you only do this to the same person up to three times. At that point, your friend should have decided whether to subscribe on their own. (After all, the newsletter is free and anyone can get it.)

Can I Pass the Primary Activity Pages Packet on To Others?

You could, but why not let us do the hard work for you? We know that you may have your own stake, ward, or family Facebook group and that you may want to post the packet there. That takes time and effort on your part. Why not just direct members of your group to our website and suggest they sign up? (It’s free, remember?) That way they will receive their own copy directly and it takes the burden off of you. Easy peasy!

Can I Save the Primary Activity Pages Packets in My Own Computer?

If it is for your own use, then yes, you can.

How Do I Subscribe to the Primary Activity Pages Newsletter?

Simple—just click this link and fill in your name and e-mail address. Then, watch for the confirmation e-mail and click the link it contains.

How Do I Unsubscribe from the Newsletter?

There is a link at the bottom of every newsletter issue. If that doesn’t work for some reason (it really should), then send an e-mail message to and we’ll get you helped out.

How Do I Change My Subscription Address?

Again, there is a link at the bottom of every newsletter issue.